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Need an event babysitter?

Place a request with us✨

Want a carefree day where the kids are involved but you can also relax and enjoy? We have plenty of dedicated and caring babysitters ready to support you during your event!

Place a request in our app for childcare support at any event of your choosing:

  • Birthday party
  • Wedding
  • Work event
  • Other

The costs are €19.80 per month for Nina.care and around €12 per hour for the babysitter. Tip: Make your booking 4-6 weeks in advance to have the best chance of finding someone! And include a nice wedding photo to get the best responses

What does it cost?

The costs for making a booking are €19.80 per month and around €10-14 per hour for a babysitter. Feel free to call us for more information, and we can help you out: +31 85 400 5252.

We recommend one babysitter per eight children. If there are several younger children under four years old, we advise one babysitter per five children.

Tip: Make one booking per babysitter! So if you need two babysitters, make two bookings.

You can easily pay the babysitter afterwards via the app and download an invoice.

Wedding planner? We can create a discount code for your business, offering a great discount for your clients!

Feel free to call us with any questions or fill out the form below, and we will get in touch.

kids eating cake at a kids party

How it works

wedding nanny step 1
Make an account
Click the " register" button
weddingnanny step 2
Place a booking for your event
Mention that it is for an event babysitter, and we will look for kind, reliable, and presentable babysitters.
weddingnanny step 3
Enjoy and pay afterwards via the app
View the responses, choose a profile, and ... Enjoy the day worry-free and pay the babysitter afterwards! The babysitters, the guests, and you can always contact us with any questions.

Submit your babysitting request

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • For example, children's party, wedding, business event etc.
  • We recommend asking for 1 nanny per +-8 children. This depends on the age of the kids and the activity for which it is needed. Our experience is that children younger than 2 often want to stay close to their parents 🙂 For tips / advice, feel free to call us!

Read our blogs for some inspiration on activities for children at your next event!