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Personal development course

Training for au pairs in a beautiful location

Make the most of your au pair year and leave as a better version of yourself.

The course is on the 15th & 16th of  April in our beautiful office in Haarlem.

The training costs €1000,- euros, but with the Dutch STAP budget no payment is required, if you:

  • Are 18 years or older;
  • Apply for the STAP-subsidy;
  • Are registered at the municipality before the 28th of June.
ontwikkelingstraining volgen bij de academy van nanny nina
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Personal development course au pair

Persoonlijke ontwikkelingstraining starters nina.care zit in een groep
Follow our personal development & confidence course specially made for au pairs. Discover your strengths and what motivates you. Learn how to communicate effectively and find out which choices you can make in your career.
During our two-day training, you will discover yourself and what makes you happy, what drives you and how you can combine this within your career. You will develop leadership skills such as time management, conflict management and assertiveness. In short, you will learn:

- Stressmanagement
- How to reflect
- How to plan
- How to communicate
- Your personal values
- Expressing your boundaries

Why this personal development course?

Persoonlijke ontwikkelingstraining starters vrouw luistert naar verhaal
We developed this course especially for people who are trying to find out what they want to do for work or where they want their career to go.
In our au pair agency, we've noticed that au pairs usually have difficulty figuring out in what direction they want to go work-wise.

During our Personal development course, you will learn to find answers to questions such as: Who am I? What is a good fit with my personality? Where do I want to go? What is important to me? What values ​​are essential for me in a job? These are difficult questions, but especially to people who are starting their career.

We will answer your personal questions by working with these methods:

- Wheel of life
- Meditation
- Core Quadrants

Register for free to participate
After registration, you will receive more information about the STAP budget.
Date of birth(Required)
Which training do you want to do?
Who told you about this training?
Persoonlijke ontwikkelingstraining starters 2 vrouwens lachend door de straten

Questions of other trainees

What does the training cost and how does it work if you do not receive the STAP budget?

The training is free. The cost of a training is €1000,- euros, but this is paid for from the government’s STAP budget. If you do not get it for whatever reason, you can choose to pay it yourself or not participate at all. No worries!

When are you eligible for the STAP budget?

If you registered at the municipality after the 28th of June 2022, live in the Netherlands for at least 6 months and are older than 18 years, you can apply for the STAP budget.

In what language will the training be taught?

The training will be given in English.

Can I register together with someone (girlfriend, partner, colleague, etc.)?

That is certainly possible! However, it is important that you both receive the STAP budget.

Do I have to bring my passport or ID to the training?

Yes, you need to bring your passport or ID.

Do I have to advance the training myself?

No, that is not necessary! The UWV pays the STAP budget directly to us.

Can I still cancel the training after the STAP budget has been allocated?

If you do not participate in the training, your right to the STAP budget for that year may lapse. If you have specific questions about this, it is best to contact UWV.

By Boei